We aim to support rescue animals in the Charlotte areas through donating the profits from our sales to local charities. We’ve worked with three other local organizations to help hundreds of animals so far.
Our Beginning
Fur Goodness Sake! began with a dream by Susan Barnhart and Roxanne Blake in 2015. Susan and Roxanne had assisted local animal charities for years but felt as though they could be doing more. As an avid craftsman for her life through painting, drawing, and creating, she was able to transform her hobby into a good cause. She began selling her artwork to friends and family and was setting aside her earnings to donate to local animal charities. She has grown this project through accepting donations to be sold in addition to her own crafts.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
— Mahatma Gandi
Shabazz had to extend the garden to her front lawn but even then, it wasn’t enough to feed all who wanted to be involved. With neighbors January Blum and Lucas Dupont, Shabazz found a large vacant lot on Main Street and secured it as a farming cooperative. Word about Project Sprout spread throughout Kent County, so the team was invited to help start other community gardens.
Our Mission
Fur Goodness Sake! is a non-profit business operating entirely to benefit local animal rescue organizations in their ongoing effort to educate people on the humane treatment of animals and to provide funding to spay, neuter, and rescue organizations.
Fur Goodness Sake! was co-founded by Susan Barnhart and Roxanne Blake in February 2015. We are an all volunteer organization with the intent of providing 100% profit from donated goods to local rescue organizations.
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With ten gardens and counting, Project Sprout has seen a significant improvement in mental and physical health for all participating community members. Other than lowering obesity, blood pressure, and depression rates, the crime rate has also fallen. Our children are doing better in school, reporting higher grades and aspirations, and better job prospects.
Get Involved
If you’re interested in getting involved with local animal rescue work, we invite you to donate to Fur Goodness Sake! or help out with one of our associated rescue organizations.